The weather is not cooperating this week in Colorado, with daytime high temperatures not expected to reach 70 degrees until the weekend. With more time we'd be headed to survey sites in west Texas (where temperatures are much warmer!), but instead the crew is taking advantage of this down-time to become more familiar with the project database. Not so much fun, but a very important task in field research nonetheless!
The CSU crew did get in the field on Friday this week, and with cool weather earlier in the week we didn't expect to see much - we did see 2 adult male Lesser Earless Lizards, which was a bit of a surprise as they often prefer warmer weather than the low-70-degree temperatures we had on Pawnee National Grassland.
The CSU crew did get in the field on Friday this week, and with cool weather earlier in the week we didn't expect to see much - we did see 2 adult male Lesser Earless Lizards, which was a bit of a surprise as they often prefer warmer weather than the low-70-degree temperatures we had on Pawnee National Grassland.